Simple, Transparent Pricing

Get full access to the Safety Zap App for just £30 per user license. Investment in this tool brings massive savings by reducing the time needed to create, review and update risk assessments. The hidden costs of maintaining these documents is significant, using this App and the Safety Zap approach brings enormous, ongoing efficiency benefits.

  • Administration

    As the client administrator you oversees the whole process. You can add Risk Assessors or issue View Only access to colleagues. Stripe will automatically update your payment details. This functionality comes free with your first Risk Assessor licence.

  • Risk Assessors

    Licenced Risk Assessors can create, copy or update any completed assessments. You only need to have a selected number of trained assessors to control the content, sign off and to issue your documents.

  • View Only Licences

    You can provide access to any number of colleagues via a View Only licence. This allows them to see any completed risk assessments, but they cannot amend, update or delete any content. They cost less than half the price of an assessor licence with the option to purchase bundles at even greater discounted rates.